Référence 00731. Take a second to support French Moments on Patreon! A word of advice: given the Clock’s popularity, it is better to arrive more than half an hour before the triggering of the mechanism, ie. Its mechanism stopped working one day in 1788 and it remained “mute” for several years until 1838 when the task of repairing it was entrusted to an Alsatian, Jean-Baptiste Schwilgué (1776-1856). This incredible masterpiece is telling of the pride that the Strasbourgeois feel in counting their cathedral among the seven wonders of Germany. Poser une question. The form of the neo-Romanesque tower evokes other great Romanesque cathedrals of the Valley of the Rhine (Speyer or Mainz). La Nef, le Beffroi, les escaliers. He has a background teaching French, Economics and Current Affairs, and holds a Master of Translating and Interpreting English-French with the degree of Master of International Relations, and a degree of Economics and Management. The Romanesque chancel is elevated from the rest of the nave and the transept because it is situated above the crypt. However this number could have been much higher if an administrator of public property had not managed to hide 67 of them! The view over the city of Strasbourg here is spectacular and on a clear day you can see the Alsace Plain, the Vosges, and the Black Forest (Germany). At 32 metres high and 36 metres wide (including collaterals), it is built in radiant gothic style. Thanks for visiting! The pillar is also called “Pillar of Last Judgement” because it stages the judgement mentioned in the Book of Revelation. Vous pouvez facilement le trouver au 12-13 Place de la cathédrale. Over the course of his stay in Strasbourg in 1770-1771, Goethe glorified the cathedral. The nave of Strasbourg cathedral © French Moments. Its cul-de-four cupola is decorated with neo-byzantine frescoes dating from the 19th century. Mis à jour le. A Strasbourg, il semble tourner autour de lâédifice gothique et sâengouffrer dans la courte place qui devance la cathédrale. Sculptors, painters, technicians, mathematicians and Swiss watchmakers worked together on this wonder that is extremely popular among visitors to the cathedral: the number of visitors coming to admire its mechanism is estimated at 3 million. In fact it only dates back to 1878 and is the work of Gustave Klotz. Et cela, aussi bien du côté du neuf que des produits Cathedrale De Strasbourg occasion. La construction de la cathédrale de Strasbourg demanda beaucoup de temps et dâargent. These are set in motion every fifteen minutes but the complete display of animated characters takes place daily at noon in Strasbourg – which is actually 12.30 in France! Place Charles de Foucauld, Strasbourg, France. The 16th century marked a turning point for Strasbourg and its cathedral, following the eruption of Humanism and the Reformation. This map will help you find your accommodation in Strasbourg according to location and prices:Booking.com(function(d,sc,u){var s=d.createElement(sc),p=d.getElementsByTagName(sc)[0];s.type='text/javascript';s.async=true;s.src=u+'?v='+(+new Date());p.parentNode.insertBefore(s,p);})(document,'script','//aff.bstatic.com/static/affiliate_base/js/flexiproduct.js'); Some of the links above are affiliates so if you’re planning a trip, using these links helps me keep things running. Les premières pierres de la cathédrale de Strasbourg ont été posées en 1015. Les Haras de Strasbourg, 23 Rue des Glacières, Strasbourg, France. Sandstone from the Vosges, in either pink or brown (pollution gave the cathedral its pink-grey colour) was used. All you have to do is click the link and any booking you make is automatically tracked. In the four historiated registers you can read scenes from the Old and New Testament, with the Passion of Christ as the central theme at the centre of the collection, and a statue of the Virgin With Child personifies Universal Wisdom (Sophia of the Greeks), the axis around which everything is ordered. Petit tour dans les coulisses du chantier de conservation-restauration du bras sud du transept de la cathédrale de Strasbourg avec Ambre de ⦠Admission is free, but visitors are not allowed during service on Sunday mornings. Alsace Strasbourg Secret & Alsace Insolite April 12 at 9:15 AM ð LES GARDIENS DU PORTAIL ð² > De part et d'autre des portails de la ... cathédrale de Strasbourg, plusieurs têtes de d'animaux étranges semblent surveiller les passants. The nave, for example, not only followed the Ile de France’s own gothic style (French Gothic), but dared to go even further by adopting the most popular trends of gothic style in France. De quoi nourrir vos convictions personnelles avec la référence Cathedrale De Strasbourg si la seconde main fait partie intégrante de vos habitudes d'achat. Indeed, construction began by the chancel and the north transept in Romanesque style. For 30 years, he examined the mechanism and tried to understand the reasons for its breakdown. Business guests enjoy the breakfast. Textes et illustrations de Yolande Ruffenach - Jung. With the arrival in 1225 of the team of a new foreman who was familiar with Chartres and Burgundy, it was decided to continue the works in the innovative gothic style of the time. Livre photographies Edition du Signe format 27 X 33 cm 64 pages 3000 exemplaires. Pierre is a French/Australian who is passionate about France and its culture. Il aura fallu quatre siècles pour l'ériger jusqu'à son sommet. It was the “poor man’s Bible”, a succession of small fairly easily identifiable pictures for the people of the time. Its 142 metre-high spire was the highest monument in the world from 1647 until 1874, and its height makes it the second-tallest cathedral in France after that of Rouen. The lack of money for the funding of the cathedral is one of the reasons explaining its slow progress. At 32 metres in height, it is taller than that of, The cathedral’s interior contains a rich collection of, Heading back towards the nave from the portal, visitors discover to their left the, Two nave spans further away, the magnificent hexagonal pulpit in flamboyant gothic style features statuary of some fifty small figurines. The richly decorative façade is still striking today. Aujourd'hui sur Rakuten, 990 Cathedrale De Strasbourg vous attendent au sein de notre rayon . Destroyed, they were later replaced in the 19th century. Place de la Cathédrale, Strasbourg, France. Each edge of the octagonal tower has a succession of six small hexagonal spiral staircases. As for the five Foolish Virgins, they are holding their lamps upside down, clutching the Tablet of Law closed and beside them is the Tempter holding the apple of temptation and with reptiles on his back. 250 ans de labeur. This would be a jealous architect competitor who predicted that such a pillar could never support the archway. There so many interesting and unique things to see and do in Strasbourg, that it would be easy to overlook these quirky hidden gems. This book has been for me a great resource that helped me better understand the Gothic movement in art from the 12th century to the Renaissance. Look closer though, and some of these imposing creatures seem a bit out of place. The statues of the prophets of the Old Testament are represented here in the five arches of the portal. In 19th century France, it was Victor Hugo who was known as the instigator of this revival of interest, inspiring the architect Viollet-le-Duc and thus saving Notre-Dame de Paris from ruin. This was perhaps a sign that gothic art had gone out of fashion (the Renaissance was already flourishing in Italy) or, more rationally, that the townsfolk were too poor to undertake such a task. Not surprisingly, these statues were the first to suffer the torments of the Revolution. It marks the end of the tower and the start of the spire. From Goethe to the Gothic revival in the 19th c, The majestic façade of Strasbourg cathedral, The great Rose Window and the Gallery of Kings, A graceful spire for Strasbourg Cathedral, The Panoramic terrace and the different levels of the belfry, To the spire of the cathedral and beyond…, The stained-glass windows of Strasbourg cathedral, The Pillar of Angels of Strasbourg cathedral, The Astronomical Clock of Strasbourg cathedral, The astronomical clock of Strasbourg: a very popular attraction, Recognisable from afar thanks to its atypical allure, the Cathedral of Strasbourg is the undisputed emblem of the city, and at times of the whole of, Its 142 metre-high spire was the highest monument in the world from 1647 until 1874, and its height makes it the second-tallest cathedral in France after that of, The current building was erected on the site of a 103 metre long old, With the arrival in 1225 of the team of a new foreman who was familiar with, The architect of the Cathedral of Strasbourg built the most modern building of his time in the Holy Roman Empire. The stained-glass window in the chancel with the European flag © French Moments. Have you heard of the büchmesser? It is from here that Bible readings read during mass were explained and discussed. Livre : Livre Le secret de la cathédrale de Strasbourg de André Fischer, commander et acheter le livre Le secret de la cathédrale de Strasbourg en livraison rapide, et aussi des extraits et des avis et critiques du livre, ainsi qu'un résumé. The nave extends over 7 spans and rises up over three storeys (large arcades, triforium and high windows). But Johannes Hültz of Cologne, resuming the task of the works, completely changed the project and created a very complex and graceful spire. The role of the stained glass windows was to help illustrate the stories that the preachers told from their pulpits for those who did not know how to read, in the same way as a comic strip. This piece of work (15 metres in diameter) is unique of its kind. La volonté de Strasbourg, de rayonner sur lâEurope chrétienne du Moyen Âge impulse la construction de ce puissant symbole : la cathédrale. Here you will find a decoration that is also present on the façade of the Cathedral of Troyes, the “harp strings”, which were particularly well-represented in Strasbourg. Seriously old wine. Irreverent, even comic figures of a donkey, a monkey⦠were the stone masons and designers poking fun at their all-powerful church patrons? At one time medical care could be paid for with plots of land, many of which contained vineyards, and some winegrowers would entrust their products to the cellars for ageing. The cathedral’s interior contains a rich collection of stained glass windows (more than 4,600 panels), most of which date from the 12th, 13th and 14th centuries. In 1518, the Theses of Luther were attached to the cathedral doors, and printing houses – which had a strong presence in the town thanks to Gutenberg – accelerated the propagation of the emerging Protestant faith. Visite guidée insolite de la Cathédrale de Strasbourg. A mechanical rooster perched atop a street clock crows his best âcocoricooooâ, and a hen, in her nest across the narrow street, responds in kind moving slightly to reveal the golden eggs sheâs just laid. He grew up in France and Germany and has also lived in Australia and England. This Ottonian style wooden-framed building was destroyed by fire in 1176. And, of course, it mentions the cathedral of Notre-Dame de Strasbourg! Situated beneath the chancel, the crypt is, as with many gothic cathedrals, the oldest part of the building and part of the space where the remains of the old basilica erected by Werner of Habsburg in the 11th century are found. The second platform is that of the large tower, at a height of 100 metres. Devote some time on your next visit to discover these secret spots. The portal of the north transept, of late Flemish gothic style, is more recent than the south portal. Gothic: Architecture, Sculpture, Painting by Rolf Toman, Publisher: Ullmann, My copy of the book “Gothic: Architecture, Sculpture, Painting”. In the niches of the first and second floor galleries you can see equestrian statues of twenty monarchs, from Clovis I until Louis XIV. Unlike in other buildings in Germany, the builders of the Cathedral of Strasbourg did not include architectural elements particular to the region. Those of the south lateral nave (to the right, coming from below) are in bad condition and illustrate episodes of the New Testament of the life of Virgin Mary and of Christ. The stained glass windows of the nave depict the life of the Saints. 31 Rue des Hallebardes, Strasbourg, Grand Est, 67000, France, 800-246-8357 Découvrez des t-shirts, posters, stickers, objets déco et autres produits du quotidien sur le thème Strasbourg, personnalisés par des artistes indépendants du monde entier. As a successful example of how to contrast historical heritage and contemporary design, a visit to the hotel and restaurant Les Haras de Strasbourg is a must. Recognisable from afar thanks to its atypical allure, the Cathedral of Strasbourg is the undisputed emblem of the city, and at times of the whole of Alsace. The Bishop thus had to recourse to indulgences in 1253 to finish the nave. These are followed by four more twisted staircases within four huge pinnacles that are fitted on four corners of the tower and are clearly visible from the outside. 6.5K likes. The very popular and henceforth famous Christmas Market originally took place in this location. The formidable story behind the French croissant. Close to the pillar, note the statue of a man leaning on a railing. La Fondation de l'Oeuvre Notre Dame organise un grand nettoyage de la Cathedrale. This volley of bells is called the Torglocke or Zehnerlock (ten o’clock bell). Project A is one of the oldest preserved architecture designs in the Western World, dating from the 1260s. Le meilleur guide insolite et secret de Strasbourg. Project B is modelled on the façade of the Cathedral of Troyes (2 towers, 3 portals and a second storey with a central rose) and finished by clearly surpassing it in the new and opulent elaboration of gothic forms. Aujourd'hui sur Rakuten, 990 Cathedrale Strasbourg vous attendent au sein de notre rayon . Shows, events, workshops, or a simple drink shared away from the crowds will guarantee you unforgettable moments. Strasbourg Secret & Alsace Insolite, Strasbourg. The Vauban Dam was built in the 17th century as a defensive structure. It represents the Virgin dressed in blue. Heading back towards the nave from the portal, visitors discover to their left the great organ hanging in the bird’s nest in the triforium. OUI.sncf. Would you measure up? ISBN 978-2-8482-3083-2. The current building was erected on the site of a 103 metre long old Romanesque basilica, commissioned in 1015 by the Bishop of Strasbourg, Werner of Habsburg, with the support of Emperor Henri II. Every day at noon you can catch a quirky ritual in the streets of Strasbourg. Les trésors cachés de la ville des « routes », Edition 2017, Strasbourg secret - 2017, Bernard Vogler, Élisabeth Loeb-Darcagne, Christophe Hamm, Les Beaux Jours. If you're new here, you may be interested in downloading the guide "20 Amazing Offbeat Places in Paris". In 1356, the city of Basle and the Sundgau (South of Alsace) were destroyed by an earthquake, which may have reduced the builders’ and some traumatised inhabitants’ enthusiasm for the project. Il est resté tel quel depuis le bombardement de la ville ! Les habitants de la ville sont nombreux à connaître la légende qui se propose dâexpliquer le phénomène : Le Diable, à cheval sur le vent, serait parvenu à Strasbourg. All you have to do is click the link and any booking you make is automatically tracked. This blog is run by Pierre Guernier for French Moments Ltd, a company founded by Pierre and Rachel Guernier and based in the beautiful countryside of East Sussex, England. Itâs not exactly a secret, but this Strasbourg hidden gem can be easily overlooked. Situé dans une petite rue cachée à deux pas de la cathédrale, le Code Bar se fait discret et profite dâun bouche à oreille favorable : on y entre pour passer un moment à lâabri des regards et siroter des cocktails uniques et raffinés. A film projected on a screen beside the Clock in French, German or English presents the curiosity and its history. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. As mentioned above, the spire extends to 142 metres in height and still remains Europe’s tallest medieval structure, because even though the height of the cathedrals of Cologne (157m) and Ulm (161m) in Germany, and that of, It is by climbing to this platform that you can admire the flamboyant series of bells which have one of the greatest chimes in France, and, according to experts in campanology, one of the most perfect in Europe.