The Zionists (Khazars) step in again, offering him money on condition he did what they told him, ie. So they paid the poor working class and farmers with Continental dollars which subsequently lost 90% of their value. As that Roman writer stated, a single spy inside the gates of Rome is more dangerous than an invading army outside the gates of Rome. As you know, Japan attacked Russia. While these workers have made some gains at the end of the 1990s, most of these gains have disappeared in the current recession and real wages of workers at the bottom of the labor market remain l below what they were in the 1970s. Macron with 24% of voters in the first round obtained 53% of the parliament, while Le Pen, with 21% had only 1.3% representatives for his party in parliament.’. An explosive proposition indeed. ‘ the Banksters have needs” and they will act as they see fit to resolve their own survival whatever that means, relative to any and all people everywhere in the world. This US central bank is in private hands, contrary to the US Constitution. Riot police also fired tear gas during clashes in Rouen in Normandy and in Nantes in western France on Saturday, which is the seventh week of the mass rallies that have divided the country since the movement sprang up in November. Very interesting. My study shows a third favored severing relations with England, a third favored maintaining and a third neutral…. “Dozens of Yellow Vest protesters have descended on the headquarters of France’s BFM TV channel accusing the station of broadcasting “fake news” and calling for the resignation of President Emmanuel Macron. AFP is reporting that “several hundred” Yellow Vests gathered outside the headquarters and Police used tear gas grenades on the crowd after the protesters lobbed projectiles in their direction. La proposition est de retenir, pour simplifier, que la Nation est le peuple, constitué en société grâce à une culture commune, installé durablement dans un pays, et qui établit un État pour assurer l’administration du pays et défendre l’intérêt public. It encompassed wider anger and frustration against the political establishment in general and President Macron in particular. Obama was a power broker to get a tax passed to breathe. PART 1. », Continuer la lecture de Bill Gates et la coprophagie mondialiste. Praktisch ohne Startkapital mit geliehenem Geld von Freunden und Familie, aber mit professioneller Erfahrung und mit großer Entschlossenheit und großem Verlangen nach Erfolg, ist es in kürzester Zeit gelungen, eine angesehene Gesellschaft auf dem Gebiet der Verarbeitung von Eisen- und Nichteisenmetallen aufzubauen. The U.S. state of California provides a cautionary look at referendum based direct creation of laws and constitutional amendments. I have one when I ride my bicycle at night. The third reason for concern is that employers can use the threat of further immigration as a way of holding down the wages and benefits of workers. Finally, the question which needs to be asked is who is controlling the yellow vests. After that we have the French “revolution”, provoked by French freemasons. Ce qui est nouveau, c’est que l’économie en soit venue à faire ouvertement la guerre aux humains ; non plus seulement aux possibilités de leur vie, mais à celles de leur survie. Que se passera-t-il après ? Capitalism is the most serious at this moment in time. The main victims were peasants and clergy; the winners were the financiers. In regards to your proposition that the photograph is a fake and with consideration to which parts might be fake, I post here a link to the photoshop forensic website result when using same said photo URL . all work must lead to such production..or involved in such production. The global capitalist plantation had already reached its limits with the financial crash of 2008 and the great recession. Then Macron gave a speech that could be compared to one of a drama student imitating compassion. Did you said democracy? Like how many do the Russians need? In France it is mandatory by law to have such vests in each car. In one of the 12 scenarios, the authors modeled a world system “producing nuclear power, recycling resources, and mining the most remote reserves; withholding as many pollutants as possible; pushing yields from the land to undreamed-of heights; and producing only children who are actively wanted by their parents.” Nevertheless, the authors wrote, “the result is still an end to growth before the year 2100. Immediately the media titled: “The yellow vests give great opportunities to terrorists”. The protesters say the movement will continue to grow in 2019 and plans are underway for New Year’s Eve protests.”, A very good French documentary by Youtube channel Data Gueule with good English subtitles (CC) no disrespect at all..but it seems to me time to get going. I’m impressed by your rationality. Since then, France is well known for being a country of strikes and demonstrations, often unfruitful. There are many more people who keep this blog running. Accept the salary, or employers may move on to the next person on the line. Two days later, a “lone wolf terrorist” launched a mass shooting in the middle of a popular Christmas market killing 2 people and injuring several others. And: It’s great to revolt against tyranny…..should have done it sixty years ago when the west had some wealth left. The Rothschilds, however, were not of the same opinion and now are in the mood for dispensing once and for all with their Western ’hostages’. Shows a distinct lack of knowledge and lazy, meme type thinking that psses for knowledge these days. Primäres Men ü Springe zum Inhalt. Chase Manhattan Bank of New York It was instigated to prevent the Japanese defeat at Port Arthur. Plus, only males with property could vote. Continuer la lecture de Un autre regard sur l’équipe de politique étrangère de Joe Biden, Par James Howard Kunstler − Le 13 novembre 2020 − Source Clusterfuck Nation. But, in their strategy, they forgot that smartphones can record the police mischiefs, making them viral on social media, as it showed that the violence came from the police and the government, and not from the protesters. Sigmund Freud’s crowd behavior theory primarily consists of the idea that becoming a member of a crowd serves to unlock the unconscious mind. They are as indentured and feudalized as any serfs or economic credit slaves. and we now what it means..our ultimate destruction as ordinary people. Mais quoi,  sommes-nous à ce point une nation de crétins lobotomisés que notre principal critère pour tout acte public d’un mélodrame national aigu soit la qualité de la présentation ? So the current joke: when police searches your car, if you have not a vest you are fined; if you have one you are jailed. Une chose que l’on peut dire de la conférence de presse commune des trois avocats de la campagne Trump, jeudi à midi, assurément ce n’était pas très au point. The machine gun was used en masse for the first time, something the Japanese did not expect. we know how we all came to be from the Black base. Words aare fairly important. As long as all you folks realize that the welfare western nations are bust, broke, banana republic material. It is not for nothing that The Times elected him Person of the Year. Formerly, that sort of vest was used by servants in the upper class. With noun/verb tables for the different cases and tenses links to audio pronunciation and … After WWI Syria was a mandate administered by the French until I believe 1937. I noticed that “non-party” movement in Greece has increased as well, although no street protests. | Lesakerfrancophone - traffic statistics The powers that be will eject the mini King soon. I suggest that this be called ”The Syriza syndrome” where an utter charlatan, Alexis Tsipras, promises continued Western imperialism without austerity and is rewarded by the consent of a highly deluded Greek majority population. The People in yellow jackets may be the Archimedes lever that lifts the yoke of the EU and US hegemony from the nation of France. the most horrific acts have been committed against the human species by theses same forces that proves my point: ordinary people have no alternative but to act against the financial forces dominating our lives. They got it in the 17th century, when they provoked the English civil war. s r.o. Tag Archives: Le Saker Francophone. The Rothschilds financed Napoleon for his 1812 invasion of Russia. It was followed by the disarming of the committee, the emptying of the prisons, and the purging of Jacobin clubs. The English king is executed in retaliation for what Edward Ist did. This becomes a virtuous cycle as more & more French Citizens return exit the “Taker” welfare and return to “Maker” employment. Le chaos du monde ne naît pas de l'âme des peuples, des races ou des religions, mais de l'insatiable appétit des puissants. But this isn’t a one way street, employers also compete among themselves and employees can also move on to another employer(or start their own business).The immigration thing is an American(and European?) Meadows and his team used World3 to examine growth trends worldwide that had prevailed from 1900 to 1970, extrapolating from the data to model 12 future scenarios of global development and its consequences, projected out to the year 2100. Dismissing the dead and badly wounded by police brutality while labeling us extremists and anti-semitic, for instance, or constantly dividing our number by ten or more added the insult to the whip. C’est alors que la pensée scientifique a choisi, contre une grande part de son propre passé anti-esclavagiste, de servir la domination spectaculaire. Le récit des Démocrates à ce stade, au milieu du match, est que… «l’élection a été la plus sûre de l’histoire du pays» (The New York Times). Christmas and the New Year are nearing and we can expect a kind of pause, or at least a decline during that period, in order to spend the holidays among family. “In the southern part of the Kabiba oil field in Deyrizor province, there are French cantons. Nothing new, really, but the scale of all this treachery is now way too much for the people to stay silent. Le Saker Russe The communication tricks not only do not work anymore, but are fuelling the anger. The capitalist system was then placed on life support by the world’s central bank’s qualitative easing. The media took this opportunity to talk about a lack of dynamic in the movement, a decline in protestors due to the population starting to get tired about it. Menu et widgets Par Dmitry Orlov – Le 16 octobre 2020 – Source Club Orlov. It too will fail. They of course seek revenge. Suchen. Der Würgfalke (Falco cherrug), auch Sakerfalke oder Saker ist ein großer Falke der Steppen und Waldsteppengebiete Osteuropas und Zentralasiens. Ce site est une émanation du Saker US mais avec notre propre sensibilité francophone. @Larchmonter… While there were certainly social movements as shown by Ben Franklin’s Poor Richard’s Almanac and Tom Paine’s Common Sense, the population was decidedly ambivalent. The answer was simple. The evidence was on the Internet. at the very least we know that the way the worlds business is done must change to a democracy, possible at this stage of human evolution… or humanity will realize consequences that most likely eliminates us by war, industrial pollution etc., or enslaves us all, which would surely lead soon after to the same our own hand – the hands of our current elites, combined with the reticence to act by people such as those in these pages here who know, but hold right here in endless discussion. And then, without telling them, secretly decided to redeem at full value for the new American dollar. A Yellow Vest socialist revolution in India for example could turn the tide of history of over a billion people! People are pissed, and they have been for a good long while. There was a splurge of fashion and a conspicuous consumption of bourgeois wealth, while the poor suffered from harsh economic conditions. I hope they achieve this: A partnership between the Rothschilds City of London and the US Federal Reserve. Social and political life became freer, more extravagant, and more personally corrupt. the people out in the streets in majority armed with proven cases are the law. Le Saker Latino-Américain The bottom line, though, is that if wealth were divided evenly among the nine billion people expected on this planet by 2050, the per capita material affluence of the global north would have to drop significantly. Four Reasons Immigration Can Impact Wages. Then you will be able to understand why our Corporate Controlled Society needs the Open South BOARDER. but the people do not need warrants. We all use them to transmit knowledge. In fact, it would be surprising if there were not. that future cannot be avoided unless all minority power is eliminated and popular democracy replaces minority exploitative power globally. Anonius “This is for you, poor guys, poor single mothers, and now go back home”. And then they somehow brainwashed millions of ignorant zombies from all over Europe to leave their homes and build new lives and a nation out of the wilderness. If the referendum is binding — Does that mean that France has to openly defy the EU like Italy? Anonymous Seine westlichsten Vorkommen liegen in Österreich und in Ungarn, nach Osten hin erstreckt sich das große Verbreitungsgebiet dieser Art bis in den Osten der Mongolei. It has peeled back the camouflage that hid the tyranny. The French go for the throat (the head, per guillotine). what is there to fear? People in foreground are layered onto the out-of-focus crowd in the background. I never read where anyone at all speaks of this as possible and necessary. (1) In Russia 80 % of communist commisars were Zionists who hated everything that was Russian. The globalists knew it would have been crushed. However, reality shows that it is unlikely to work. there must be no bureaucracy..none! A referendum requiring French employers to give jobs to French citizens over EU citizens would likely pass and work. “Whoever controls the money supply controls the world. I have no interest in hell. “The most amazing aspect of the book,” he wrote, “is how accurate many of the basic trend extrapolation[s] … still are 30 years later.”, The first edition of Limits had, in fact, gone a long way toward accommodating technology as a possible saving grace for the growth system. Learn your terminology and what words mean. The wooden portion of the sign, the beam he is holding, also looks fake. They want hope for their children and themselves. On the other hand, even if you own a house, try not to pay the taxes, insurance, etc. “dispensing once and for all…..” Goldman, Sachs of New York where are the courageous lawyers? and it is interesting o observe in humans what may be Hybrid Vigor in such brown offspring, as they excel in the american public sphere especially in sports. Excellent take on the revolutions, although you missed the Russian in 1905, February 1917, and the final in October 1917. The group reportedly chanted “journalists come down”, “fake news” and “Macron out”. This is a very complicated field in the Labor Market Polarization, but with some patience searching through: “Labor Market Competition with Immigrants and Political Polarization.” Because in order to retain our humanity in the face of limits, we would have to confront inequality head on. Oktober 2016 um 11:38 Uhr Danke, für die viele Arbeit die Sie in dieses Projekt hier stecken. there is one human species and it is Black from its origins and remains so in foundation in all aspects of life…ALL! If this is the case, natives will have to choose between offering their services for lower wages in order to remain competitive or suffer higher unemployment. Par Nicolas Bonnal – Novembre 2020 – Source, Il y a trente ans Guy Debord écrivait dans ses Commentaires : « On entend dire que la science est maintenant soumise à des impératifs de rentabilité économique ; cela a toujours été vrai. no one here as far as I have seen ever states the obvious as I have tried to do: there is no alternative but for society to evolve into popular democracies..ownership of society as a whole by the people for the people. However, many conscripts to the Continental Army were either forced to join or attempted to mutiny since food and clothing was poor. Time will tell. stating the case, its obvious resolution in capitalist hell… the Saker can explode into activism pushing, exploring, developing paths, codifying results and potentials, along the only solution and path for the people: to rise and take over society, creating democratic forms as they go, forms that meet all need, address all problems, correcting as they go when flaws appear. Did people actually own anything? After the 2nd act, 70% of the population continued to support the movement. The number of jobs does not change rapidly. Die gesamte Verarbeitung und Sortierung … Ah, we need to mention the Jacobin role in French revolution: Of course, he had huge financial difficulties. In 2002, after Chirac’s victory, his political party, UMP, won 356 seats (62%), while Le Pen’s (father) party (Front National) got nothing, not a single representative. Hausregeln; Sprachliches; Technisches; Über uns; Suche nach: Allgemein. Comme par exemple une conspiration pour ruiner les récentes élections avec un logiciel de décompte des votes et d’autres sorcelleries. A Rothschilds banker. It is also a revolt against the propagandist bought-and-paid-for media, which is a new and sane aspect. The attempts failed. The coup was primarily a reassertion of the rights of the National Convention against the Committee of Public Safety and of the nation against the Paris Commune. Thanks but it is even worse — that sign the guy is holding is fake. As soon as January starts, the government will have to show its seriousness about political talks. Well said. Yes, death to the EU. there have been for some time such people all over the place. there is no other way save hell itself. One of the central aspects of the immigration debate is its impact on American workers, especially those employed at the bottom of the labor market. The yellow vests in France have already succeeded because as said by French Saker, “the french have regained confidence in their power as a population”. Sinks refer to the capacity of the planet to absorb pollution of its soil, air, and water, and, most ominously, the capacity of its atmosphere to absorb carbon. the price the people will pay already horrendous is increasing all the time. Les humbles veillent. The more open the immigration policy, the more credible the threat becomes. 27. L’égalité est la demande idéale de ceux dont le but est notre destruction parce qu’elle ne peut être satisfaite, quels que soient les efforts que nous déployons. Dedefensa Rothschild Bank of Berlin Continuer la lecture de L’Égalité, le péché originel originel, Par Moon of Alabama − Le 24 novembre 2020. _______. there is no kind of life we can live, no choice we can make that will save us ultimately from the Banksters. Very happy to be a person who chose clean, whole, firm almost all my life. The Essential Saker IV: Messianic Narcissism's Agony by a Thousand Cuts, The Essential Saker III: Chronicling The Tragedy, Farce And Collapse of the Empire in the Era of Mr MAGA, Donald Trump: “This may be the most important speech I’ve ever made….”,,,,,,, Moderation Policy (UPDATED April 4th, 2020), Entry of our Most Holy Lady Theotokos into the Temple, Hyperinflation, Fascism and War: How the New World Order May Be Defeated Once More. First, because they often come from countries where wages are much lower, immigrants may be willing to work for less. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Two hundred years ago the yellow vests’ ancestors went as far as beheading their own king. The damage done by multiculturalism and vulture capitalism to French society and culture is enormous, and this reaction is wholly justified. Pour obtenir l'autorisation de republier un contenu qui n'est pas d'origine Saker Francophone ou un contenu non autorisé autrement, veuillez consulter la source du contenu, Coronavirus : la compétition entre les vaccins sera impitoyable, sur Bill Gates et la coprophagie mondialiste, Le principal scientifique nucléaire iranien assassiné alors qu’Israël tente de provoquer la guerre, sur Le principal scientifique nucléaire iranien assassiné alors qu’Israël tente de provoquer la guerre, Un autre regard sur l’équipe de politique étrangère de Joe Biden. If it is not the case, you can expect a stronger yellow vests insurgency. are the people ever going to arrest the Rothschilds? The Russian Tzar and his entire family are butchered. Not a pretty picture I am afraid. It failed, as there was no popular base. It all goes back to the year 1066. Larchmonter is excellent, comprehensive and always clear. After that we arrive to the 13th century, when King Edward Ist, known as Longshanks, was fighting both the French and the Scots. They do not really identify themselves with him but act this identification, perform their own enthusiasm, and thus participate in their leader’s performance.
2020 le saker francophone